Javier Moya

Javier Moya


Javier Moya was born in Colombia and has been working internationally as a cameraman and photographer since 1980. Before living in Europe he spent a large part of his professional life in America accompanying film, theater and television productions.

Moya joined German Television and other televisions around the world from 1994. For his work in visual media, he was invited to be part of photographic exhibitions in some German halls.

He has also had nominations as a photographer in some European magazines, and received creative recognition for his long career in television. It is based in Berlin, the German capital.


My work as a cameraman and photographer since 1980 with television stations globally, first in America and then in Europe (Berlin specifically) has been recognized with invitations. These invitations include to collaborate in photographic exhibitions in German Theaters as well as in European magazine publications. Additionally, I have been nominated into various contests. The style of work has a symbolic translation in my logo, exposed in the video by the author, Catia Rodrigues Kunst.


  • Egoísmo en la Danza

    Egoísmo en la Danza

    Berlin, Alemania


  • Cueva de murciélagos eléctricos

    Cueva de murciélagos eléctricos

  • Subastas Avus

    Subastas Avus

  • El amor de Don Perlimplin por Belisa

    El amor de Don Perlimplin por Belisa

  • La Carpa Multicolor

    La Carpa Multicolor


  • Die Sehnsucht, dort zu sein, wo du nicht bist

    Die Sehnsucht, dort zu sein, wo du nicht bist

  • Pilates für Feinschmecker

    Pilates für Feinschmecker



  • Einladung 2004

    Einladung 2004

  • Licht und Schatten eines Planeten

    Licht und Schatten eines Planeten

  • Licht und Schatten Eines Planeten

    Licht und Schatten Eines Planeten




  • Montaje sobre AVID XPRESS

    Montaje sobre AVID XPRESS

  • Animation Design

    Animation Design

  • Amazone
  • Berlin
  • Ägypten
  • Berlin
  • Berlin
  • München
  • Strausberg
  • Berlin
  • München
  • Tschechische Republik
  • Ägypten
  • Kolumbien
  • Berlin
  • Polen
  • ostsee
  • Bolibien


Logo - Moya Digital